UPDATE: Threat To South African Adoptions

60482873_10156110510110785_1353267242040557568_nA week ago the campaign at www.childrenmattersa.org began. It seeks to raise awareness of the potential threat to Adoptions in SA should the Children’s Amendment Bill be enacted in it’s current form. In a short space of time we have seen nearly 7000 signatures on the petition and almost 12000 views on the video. We are engaging with various groups to spread the word, leverage off of contacts and raise further awareness. Please don’t stop sharing and encouraging people to sign the petition. We can’t sit by and watch as the most vulnerable and voiceless amongst us become silenced and prevented from growing up in loving families of their own. The video can be found on the above site or at https://youtu.be/nbosXtDggfI. We can’t do everything, but we can all do something. This is your chance!


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