It’s about time!

I’m sitting here looking over the Maluti Mountains, around 15 km’s from Clarens, in the Northern Drakensberg. It is totally amazing how God works, these mountains just seem to explode from the ground and give the sense that such power has created them.

My wife and I have taken our first weekend away on our own in around 6 years, but on our own now requires that we leave our son at home with his Grandparents. I think it phases us more than him!

It’s amazing, that while we are here surrounded by such beauty, enjoying the scenery, revelling in the lack of schedule and things to do, one thing is so apparent to us. We are incomplete!

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Missing you

Yesterday as I was taking part in my weekly ritual of Saturday afternoon sport, I felt God lay a sentence on my heart. His nudging urged me to come home early and see my own son.

The sentence was “I am missing you”. I believe God was announcing His position and our next move. Our Father is always present, with arms wide open waiting for us to take up our prodigal son calling and run back into his arms.

God is, always has been and always will be waiting for us to realize His love for us. He longs for us to lay down our busy lives at the alter of what truly matters. We complicate, we necessitate and then package, in triplicate, plans and ‘to do lists’ of things that only end up accomplishing one thing, rendering us too busy!

To busy for what? To busy to realize that we miss Him too.

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