As for me

Two years ago we were blessed with a beautifully healthy baby boy, two years ago my wife became a Mom and I became a Dad, two years ago God changed my life and heart and left me staggering in awe. Two years ago God solidified in my heart His desire as a Father. He knitted my dreams with his plans and my hopes with His desires,God declared in my life that my purpose was to Father.

I sat there at the birth of my son a changed man, my heart melted for this little life that He entrusted me with. Never again would I be able to live for myself, never again would I be able pretend that what I do has no eternal consequence, never again would I be able to say that I have nothing to leave the world.

Good or bad, positive or negative, as a father you can be sure of one thing. You will leave a legacy.

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Be Prepared!

As Fathers, we need to be informed of what is happening around us, especially when it comes to things that will affect our kids. More than that, we need to be educated and equipped to deal with a society that is moving so fast that we can hardly keep up with the changes.

One of the biggest areas and fastest growing areas is technology. We need to keep informed, we need to be able to relate to our children, we need to be able to predict potential dangers, and to do this we need to know about and how to use the tech that our kids are and will be using.

It’s a strange world where we allow our children to use tools that we have not first made ourselves familiar with, and have no idea about the dangers of using them. Get familiar! Your family needs you to know, so you can show, and they can go!

Check out this graphic, it gives an idea of the size of the task at hand.

It’s about time!

I’m sitting here looking over the Maluti Mountains, around 15 km’s from Clarens, in the Northern Drakensberg. It is totally amazing how God works, these mountains just seem to explode from the ground and give the sense that such power has created them.

My wife and I have taken our first weekend away on our own in around 6 years, but on our own now requires that we leave our son at home with his Grandparents. I think it phases us more than him!

It’s amazing, that while we are here surrounded by such beauty, enjoying the scenery, revelling in the lack of schedule and things to do, one thing is so apparent to us. We are incomplete!

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