Adoption Sponsoring

imagesWanted: Loving family to take me home, to love me, to protect me, to make me believe I am wanted.

When: ASAP

Contact: Millions of children worldwide

Cost: Too high for many.

The wanted ad would read like this I am sure. So many children, too few of them finding a home, a family and a forever after. God must have been on to something when He specifically instructed us to look after the orphans. He made it very clear, He commanded us to do this, why? Because He knew we would forget or become to busy to notice.

I have been wracking my brain the last few years trying to think of ways to help orphans on a greater scale. I can’t adopt them all, but I can’t seem to get my head around why they can’t all have a family, when there are plenty to go around, why? Why? WHY?

So many excuses, reasons, good and bad, but the fact remains, there are millions of children homeless, alone and in need of a hug a good night kiss and a tomorrow that allows them to fall asleep with a smile instead of tears.

I have been wanting to use the idea of TheFatherHeart as more than a signpost, I am wanting to allow the idea to become hands and feet to a population of children in need, to let them know that they belong. I came across an organisation in the USA called THE ABBA FUND ( I began thinking, how could I assist in making adoption something more people thought about, talked about and eventually did. I started seeing that in South Africa, there is very little support for those who want to adopt, very little assistance, whether it be materials, education or especially finances. Sure it is out there, but it is not blatant enough. Strip clubs are advertised with greater effectiveness than adoption agencies.

So this is where I am at, an idea, a wondering!

What if The Fatherheart Foundation sponsored families for the cost of adoption, the process, the tests, unforeseen costs etc. Would that make a difference. What if we could speak at various events about the need for adoption, the need for funding and then offer those who have a heart to adopt but lack the capital outlay, the funds to start the process. Would this removal of an obstacle help, would it encourage more people to adopt? I would love to have your thoughts and comments.

I don’t want it to stop here. Funding could go further, sponsoring social workers, education of adopted children, camps for orphans that are run through a partnership with a particular church who “adopt” an orphanage. Sponsorship could be full or partial. What I am looking at is creating a conduit to finance getting these children into loving families.

Sure there must be checks and balances etc, but as an idea, what do you think, give me comments, feedback, pitfalls, support, criticism. This is everyone’s challenge, and if you can’t support an orphan, then give me a minute of your time and perhaps your thoughts may help me shape something that can.

6 thoughts on “Adoption Sponsoring

  1. Wonderful to notion to support families who are wanting to adopt. We are on that journey and learning as we go. The process is quite daunting, however the social worker we are using has been wonderful in helping us through the screening process. Its been nearly a year since we made the decision and we pray that soon we will get some good news.


    • Thanks for the comment Tracy.I do hope that the wait will be short, both for your benefit and your little ones. It can be daunting and the difficulty that comes with having to trust people to help navigate all the red tape can be difficult so I am glad you have a helpful guide. We went through an agency and were very happy too. Please drop me a line when all is done, I’d love to hear it all went well. Thanks for reading.


  2. Hi, I only just discovered your blog through a friend who shared this post. I love this idea as well. We would like to adopt a child in the next few years when our youngest (now 10mnths) is a little older. I agree with Tracey that the whole process seems very daunting and there are so many nay sayers out there who freak you out. I would love an online resource where people like us who are just looking at the idea could go to find out how the process works, what it entails, who to contact etc. It would also be lovely to have testimonies/stories from people who have adopted (especailly black children into white families) tell their stories about the process and how they are doing as a new family. Keep writing I’m loving it.


    • Thanks for your comments Emma. That is awesome that you are wanting adopt and I fully agree with keeping the birth order. The process does seem quite daunting at first and the are several ways to go about it. We chose an agency as then we could be fairly sure of a level of service. You do obviously pay more. I would like it to be less, howvever, there is a room to negotiate based on what you can afford. This agency would rather place a child in a family that can’t afford the full fees, that prevent a child from having a family because fees are too high. As such they do offset costs using money from families who can pay in full. I was always concerned at the price, however, you pay for service and many people are fine with paying high process for natural births and IVF etc, but adoption should be free, there are arguments both sides I am sure. We adopted a little black boy, who has become such a part of our lives.

      Any help or guidance I can give would be my pleasure


  3. My husband and I would absolutely Love to adopt but there are too mdjor hurdles in our way. 1st we dumplt don’t have the money for it. I wish we did but alas…
    2nd we live in South Africa and have been told there are no children to adopt. I know this is a lie so probed a little. Apparently they don’t want black children going to white families. In fact, the ladies at the adoption centre here refused to speak with me about the matter and told the person referring us that they are not interested! what is one to do when most people of an ‘acceptable’ skin colour wouldn’t consider adopting??


    • Thanks for your post Emily.

      That is exactly my point, the capital outlay can prove too much for many of us, thankfully we were able to word out a payment plan.

      We are in SA and adopted from here, so I can assure you through our courses, conversations, reading and journey, there are too many children needing homes. IN fact, if we were to take or current rate of adoptions and and the number of adoptable children, if no more kids were born in SA ever, it would take over 200 years to place them. IN the past adoption was about giving families childen, the numbers have turned things completely, as its now about finding children families, something that proves quite difficult. We used ABBA adoptions and were very impressed with the way things are done. They do seem expensive up front, but they care more about giving a child a family than blocking would be parents because of finances. What is also important is the training and screening they do, you learn so much about who you are and what this journey entails, make no mistake, parenting an adoptive child is not the same as parenting a biological child, both have very unique parts, and they help you navigate. I have our Marike’s email address below if yo guys want more info. I have also placed too websites of places of safety, have a look. Also, any questions, I’d love to give my take or two cents worth. Let me know how it goes.


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