No matter the cost

So this week we had to take our son to the doctor and were able to add our little bit to the pharmaceutical company’s bottom line, good times!

I sat there in the pharmacy wondering how come these little bottles cost so much, why was the price so high, why couldn’t the medicine be cheaper, especially since it was for such a good cause, my son’s health.

But here’s the beautiful thing, at no time during my contemplations on the conspiracy that is the pricing of medicine did I even question whether my son was worth the cost.

Not a fibre in my being even twitched at the belief that there is no cost too high and no price not worth paying for the health of my son, I would pay anything to save him, even if the price was unfair. The fact is my desire to have him healthy, better, saved, overrides any question as to the cost. The reason being, LOVE!

God showed this in that he loved us so much that he gave us his only son, the cost, massive, too high? Perhaps, but no matter, if it meant his children were to be saved, then the price was worth paying!

A Father’s heart is found in this, even though the cost is to high, the price unworthy of payment, we pay!

The imbalance in the world today comes from the selfishness of Fathers who see the needs, hear the cries but choose not to pay the price!

Our Father paid the ultimate price without blinking! Shouldn’t we take His lead?

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